These instructions are for schools/districts that have already been set up for Google Classroom integration by Lab-Aids.


Option 1: Teacher-Focused Process:

1. Please have new teachers log in at using the "Log in with Google Classroom" button and their Google Workspace usernames. Click "allow" at the permission screen that pops up.

  • Our platform will recognize new teachers' Google email addresses upon login and will automatically roster their account in the school/district's Lab-Aids Portal account.
  • New teachers will not see content in their Portal right away. Step 4 must be completed by the Admin in order for teachers to see content. 

2. Once logged in, teachers should also select their classes to sync. This doesn't have to be done immediately, but is recommended. 

3. Teachers must tell their Admin when they have logged in successfully. 

4. Admin must log in and assign licenses to new teachers.

Admins cannot do this until teachers complete step 1, because teachers' accounts won't exist in the portal until steps 1 is complete.   

5. Once steps 2-4 are complete, teachers can then assign books to students


Option 2: Admin-Focused Process

1. The Lab-Aids Google Classroom Superadmin will log in and click the green "Start Sync" button to start a new sync.

  • Superadmin must log in using the Superadmin username given to Lab-Aids during initial setup. 
  • Log in at using the "Log in with Google Classroom" button.

2. Once the sync has completed/launched, check for the new teachers under the Roster > Teacher menu. Once teachers are visible under this menu, proceed to step 3. 

  • Click your browser's "Refresh" button until the sync status changes to "Launched".
  • This sync could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the amount of data being synced. 

3. Admin will then need to assign licenses to the new teachers.

  • Optional: Admins can also unassign licenses from teachers at this time by using the above instructions and deselecting the teachers who no longer need access. 

4. Last, admins will need to communicate instructions to teachers: