Do you accept Purchase Orders?
Yes. POs can be emailed to customercare@lab-aids.com, or physically mailed in (17 Colt Court, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779).

Do I need a login to purchase something?
No. You can purchase through the Store on the website with a guest checkout. Items in a guest cart will stay for 24 hours. If you choose to create an account, items will stay in a member account indefinitely.  

I need a W-9 to make a purchase. Where do I get this? 
Complete a Contact Us form or email Customer Service directly at customerservice@lab-aids.com.

My organization is tax exempt, how do I process that with Lab-Aids? 
If your organization is tax exempt, please send your tax exempt certificate number to customerservice@lab-aids.com

I need to order a few things to refill my equipment. How do I do that? 
Refills for full-year middle and high school curricula can be made through the site with a credit card purchase order. Refills for kits and modules are best found through the search tool and added to your cart. 

I'm having trouble finding what I need in the search menu. 
Less is more. One key word, not pluralized, is often more successful. Note that the search feature will only search in the store site. 



I need to replace or refill items from a past purchase. 
For curriculum refills, please visit our dedicated Refills page and Refill FAQs. For kit refills, use Part IDs or part names to search the store. We are also working on quick refill lists for all our kits in the coming school year. 

I need help assembling my storage carts. 
We've created a video to help with this! 

I can't find the Teacher Guide for a kit. Can you send me one? 
We can send most Teacher Guides as a PDF for smaller 1-2 day kits, use the Contact Us form to make this request. Larger modules like Fruitvale and Environmental Impact or any full year curricula must be purchased per our partnership agreements with the developing institutes. Look for your kit in the appropriate location in the Store to find your Teacher Guide (TG).

I am missing SDS sheets. Where can I get a new one? 
You can find and download SDS's for many of Lab-Aids' products here: Lab-Aids SDS Page. If you don't see the SDS you're looking for, please use the Contact Us form and select Chemical Support under the Type of Request. 

How do I see if your programs align with my state's standards? 
Unique correlations to our full-year middle and high school programs can be found on each State page



Where do I login to the Teacher Portal to access the Student and Teacher Books? 
The link, Book Login, is at the very top of every page. 

I forgot my username or password. 
Please use the "Forgot password" on the login page or contact your school administrator. For privacy reasons, Lab-Aids does not have access to this information. 

More specific portal questions
Check out the Portal FAQ page for all things portal related.