
Where Lab-Aids® got its start

Lab-Aids started producing kits over 60 years ago in an effort to provide teachers with everything needed for thoughtful, hands-on activities to approach difficult concepts. 

Kits are a cost-effective way to teach content that is abstract, rife with misconceptions, or not inherently engaging. These hands-on labs will energize your classroom.

Kit | Middle School

Modeling Stream Erosion

Students model and mitigate the phenomenon of sediment movement in a river using a unique mini stream table that provides evidence for how geoscience processes change Earth’s surface.

Kit | High School

Epidemiology: Tracking the Source

This board game creates a fictitious scenario of an emerging disease that allows students to collect and use evidence about disease and disease transmission. 

Kit | Middle School

Magnetic Fields and Forces

Two activities included to define and observe magnets, magnetic poles, and magnetic fields, particularly Earth's magnetic field. 

Kit | Middle & High School

9 Level Conductivity Meter

Allows students to test relative conductivity of liquids and solids. As the conductivity of the tested material increases, the number of LEDs will increase.


Body Systems, Structures, and Functions

Students use unique, clear torso molds to shape and place internal organs and structures inside, creating visually stunning three-dimensional body models. Card sorts add system functions to the activity to deepen understanding. 

60 years

Lab-Aids has exclusively developed instructional materials for secondary science. 

Teacher Support

All kits include comprehensive teacher guidance to fully support the kit activity. 

1-3 Activities

The number of activities varies per kit, but is generally between 1-3. More than that and it's considered a Module. 

What you get

A teacher's guide, student sheets with procedures and formative assessments, and equipment all come organized in a single box.

Kits are perfect for

Educators looking to bring life to a single concept and/or fill in gaps where their current curriculum is lacking to meet all their standards will find the perfect match in one of our hundreds of options.

Ongoing support

Curriculum specialists and a team of product managers are always here to help with any questions.


A targeted, cost-effective way to have students engage in science and engineering practices and encourage student-led discussion around a specific real-life issue.

Issues are carefully selected to provide student motivation and context for the science content. Each issue must be engaging to diverse students, be sustainable over time, and require an understanding of important concepts and processes in order to make evidence based decisions. 

Module | Middle School

Groundwater Contamination

Students design and carry out a plan for testing water from different parts of the city to determine the contamination’s source, severity, extent, and rate of travel. The data is then used to analyze the risk to Fruitvale’s water supply.

Module | High School

The Power of CRISPR

Students learn how CRISPR works and how it could be used to treat sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder. Students conduct an investigation using CRISPR to edit bacterial genes to study the relationship between genes, proteins, and traits, and also explore supporting information they find in program videos and articles.

Module | Middle and High School

Reflection and Refraction

Students explore images formed by plane and curved mirrors and discover the rule for reflection of light. They also use lenses to study light refraction, measure focal length, make a simple camera, and observe how focused light energy is converted to heat energy.

Module | Middle School

Force and Motion

Nine activities are included in this entirely non-consumable kit exploring Newton's laws of motion through concrete, inquiry-based experiences. 

Module | Middle and High School

Living with Plastics

An excellent module for summer school, museum camps, after-school, or a great 2 week content focus - students employ almost every Science and Engineering Practice while exploring the types of materials used in production and the trade-offs of using each. 

What you get

A teacher's guide with student sheets and visual aids, assessment support, and all the equipment needed to run the activities come in 1-3 organized boxes.

Modules are perfect for

Educators looking to cover multiple concepts in relevant context while engaging students in actual science and engineering practices are sure to find modules that fit their needs.

Ongoing support from

Curriculum specialists and a team of product managers are here to help whenever needed.


students can be taught with most modules

Assessment is built into each module

Formative assessments and comprehensive teacher guidance is included to fully support the module.


Activities are built into each module.


Mix and match units for a custom sequence.

Unit books and equipment packages make it easier to customize a program based on your state standards and a recommended scope and sequence.

For some districts the full-year programs by discipline are more appropriate while for others a coordinated program across the disciplines is a better fit. 

What you get

Unit equipment packages come with a teacher online portal of resources and 1-7 drawers of equipment. Hardcover and/or online student books are ordered separately to fit your class size.

Units are perfect for

Educators that teach across science disciplines and want to engage and inspire students with relevant real-world issues that meet their standards will find that Units meet this need perfectly.

Ongoing support

From curriculum specialists, a team of program managers, trainers, and video PD for specific units, we are here for you.


Third Edition - Revised for the NGSS

Using a thorough process of program review and development SEPUP has produced 17 new units that fully align with NGSS Performance Expectations, three-dimensional design, and Common Core standards. 

Middle School Life Science


This seven week unit anchors the lessons around the the socio-science issue: What are the effects of introduced species, and what can be done about them?. Investigative phenomena within the 16 activities connect back to the issue and storyline. This unit builds towards and assesses PEs LS1-6, LS2-1, LS2-2, LS2-3, LS2-4, LS2-5, plus parts of LS1-7.

Middle School Earth Science

Land, Water, and Human Interactions

This five to six week unit anchors the lessons around the the socio-science issue: What is the safest location for new homes in a coastal community? Investigative phenomena within the 16 activities connect back to the issue and storyline. This unit builds towards and assesses PEs ESS2-4, ESS3-3, ETS1-1, ETS1-2, ETS1-4.

Middle School Physical Science

Chemical Reactions

This three week unit anchors the lessons around the the socio-science issue: How do people use chemical reactions to solve problems? Investigative phenomena within the 13 activities connect back to the issue and storyline. This unit builds towards and assesses PEs PS1-2, PS1-5, PS1-6.


The difference with Lab-Aids®

Our research-based curricula is built on rigorous research in content, cognitive development, and educational best-practice. These programs require ongoing evaluation for efficacy in student understanding and are linked to highly regarded institutions that also have a stake in maintaining their reputation of excellence. 

What you get

Unit equipment packages come with a teacher online portal of resources and 16-24 drawers of organized equipment. Hardcover and/or online student books are ordered separately to fit your class size.

Engaging Programs

Educators who want an engaging curriculum rooted in real-world issues, has a built in assessment system, and want to see systemic growth in their students' work and writing performance will find a great match with our full-year Biology, Chemistry, Environmental and Earth Science programs.

Ongoing support

From curriculum specialists, a team of product managers, trainers, and video PD for specific units, we are here for you.

Core Curriculum | High School

Science and Global Issues: Biology (SGI: Biology)

Science and Global Issues: Biology (SGI: Biology) uses an issue-oriented approach to connect biology to students' lives and communities. Activities and investigations, tied to the unit issue and phenomena, require students consider apply scientific evidence and to analyze the trade-offs involved in personal and societal decisions.

Core Curriculum | High School

A Natural Approach to Chemistry

Chemistry taught as it was meant to be taught. This program puts the relevance of understanding chemistry front and center through its spiraling, integrated, and coordinated learning system. Essential chemistry content is explored through labs, activities, and readings in a context that is topical, meaningful, and accessible for high school students. Hands-on labs and activities are integrated within a more classic textbook framework as students use specially designed probe-ware and other unique equipment to gather, analyze, and model data.


Core Curriculum | High School

EDC Earth Science

EDC Earth Science is designed around the belief that students are capable of rigorous and in-depth explorations in science when given adequate support, structure, and motivation for learning.

Students perform over 61 data-intensive Earth Science investigations, all set in real-world contexts.

Core Curriculum | High School

Science and Sustainability

Help your students understand that science is not only a part of their everyday lives, but that the decisions they make play a role in their local communities. The Science and Sustainability (S&S) course uses themes and activities related to local and global sustainability to present key concepts from the life, earth, chemical, and physical science

consumable and non-consumable items included in the CRISPR module


The Power of CRISPR


This six-lesson module provides students with the opportunity to learn about and use the new CRISPR gene-editing technology in a safe and controlled investigation.

Instructional materials and background information make The Power of CRISPR accessible for all teachers, not just experts in biology.