Eliciting student ideas
The instructional model prioritizes opportunities for students to express and reflect on prior knowledge as they make sense of and argue solutions for the unit issue and its related phenomena.
Issues and Science is intentionally designed to provide a platform for each unique voice, culture, and experience. Through driving question boards, class and small group discussions and activities, notebooking, and embedded strategies like KLEWS and Talking Drawings, students are presented with varied opportunities for expression and leadership.
Supporting Differentiation
Integrated into the SEPUP programs the SEPUP assessment system sets up ways to collect evidence on student learning and improve performance.
Our proven science programs provide frequent opportunities for students to develop their language skills. Though they vary across the middle school and high school programs, each provides embedded strategies to help teachers explore students' thinking.
Middle School Programs
Preview to see how literacy, differentiation, and assessment supports are built into the SEPUP middle school programs.