Starting in January 2022, prices for licenses to our online curriculum platform (Lab-Aids Portal) have changed. Here's why:

  • Pricing for Portal licenses last changed in 2018. We have delayed changing prices during COVID, which offered customers price stability during a time when these resources were most needed.
  • A number of features and upgrades have been added over the past two years:
Upgrade Programs

292 Remote Learning Packets (both Microsoft Word & Google Doc formats)

107 LABsent Videos

27 new Portal Simulations

Issues and Science, Third Edition & Third Edition Revised

Issues and Science for California Edition

162 pages of digital-friendly student sheets EDC Earth Science

333 pages of digital-friendly student sheets

17 new Portal Simulations

Issues and Earth Science, Second Edition

Issues and Life Science, Second Edition

Issues and Physical Science, Second Edition

ReadSpeaker available for all student books and teacher editions/resources Platform wide
Clever is an option for districts to sync rosters (and SSO) Platform wide
Classlink is an option for districts to sync rosters (and SSO) Platform wide
Google Classroom integration upgrade Platform wide
  • Discounts are applied for multi-year license duration purchases.

If you would like to receive a quote to renew your Portal licenses, please fill out this form.

If you would like to speak with someone, contact us.