students work with moon phases model

Issue based

What does it mean to be issue based? Socio-science issues in our middle and high school programs provide context for relevant and connected phenomena. Not just an event or process that links scientific content - the issue is the big idea that has meaning in students’ lives and is anchored in real-world events. These issues connect the why for students, “Why does this matter?

What will students be doing?

Students using our programs quickly come to expect that they will be purposefully active during science. Science and Engineering Practices are a regular part of their week and are the main vehicle for content as students collect data, engage in relevant dialog, and track their understanding as it develops.

Three Dimensional Learning


Connecting the three dimensions

Correlation documents, like those below, have value during a curriculum review but no matter how thorough, it is difficult to visualize the connectedness of the three-dimensions in such a format. Enter the Learning Pathway - a tool used by SEPUP during their middle school development of Issues and Science: Designed for the NGSS to be sure the curriculum truly weaves the dimensions together.


Equitable access to learn

Both middle and high school units are student-driven; consistently fostering student questions and making sure that students feel that their questions are leading the learning experience. All units have embedded opportunities for students to demonstrate their understandings and abilities in a variety of ways, including some that don’t rely on English speaking or writing skills.

Middle School Courses | Ohio

Look through a typical unit

Take ten minutes to watch an overview of one unit, Energy, from Issues and Science developed by SEPUP. The first five minutes covers the unit's anchoring phenomenon, the unit issue, and a brief visit to each lesson, while the second half takes a deep dive into one activity. This is a great way to quickly see how SEPUP's  NGSS units are structured.


All-Green, All-Gateways

EdReports found Issues and Science to fully meet expectations, earning all-green for standards alignment and usability in Gateways 1-3.

High School Courses | Ohio

Science and Global Issues: Biology

Cell Biology

Science and Sustainability

Living on Earth
Feeding the World
Using Earth's Resources
Moving the World

Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel

A Natural Approach To Chemistry

Part 1: Fundamentals
Part 2: Core Concepts
Part 3: Applications

Lab-Master System

EDC: Earth Science

Hydrosphere: Water in Earth's Systems
Atmosphere and Climate
Earth's Place in the Universe
Plate Tectonics
The Rock Cycle
Earth Resources

Online Portal

Engaging in Argument from Evidence



Professional Learning

Professional learning is a critical component of any new instructional material implementation, perhaps now more than ever. Lab-Aids works with our schools to build internal leadership and long-term sustainability of the program. This professional development additionally supports a deepened understanding of the new standards and how they strive to serve all students. Click here for more information on our professional learning opportunities.

Summer Academy

Science educators have come to trust Lab-Aids as a valuable resource for engaging and worth-while professional development - whether it's an on-site implementation training, the Summer Academy to develop internal leadership, or a day focused on new standards or best-practice strategies.


Online Portal Trial

All programs allow teachers online access to the Teacher Edition, student books, relevant student sheets and visual aids, editable PowerPoints, assessment tools, and additional web content. This can be customized for each district's needs.

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Holly Ripard

Sales Representative






We welcome the opportunity to address any questions, should they arise.