The new Portal 2.0 version of Lab-Aids' online programs provides the same content as the print and prior online version, but includes many enhancements that make the online experience more seamless and richer. We’ve been listening to customers and hard at work making a better digital product, including:
- A digital experience built from the ground up and easier to navigate
- Online submission of Student Sheets and Analysis/Build Understanding responses
- Reflowable text to accommodate various screen sizes
- Designed with accessibility guidelines in mind
- Hyperlinks embedded within all core program resources that link to a host of ancillaries
Table of Contents:
Viewing Portal 2.0 Student Books:
Upon login, students are brought to their student library, which displays all content available to the student. Portal 2.0 books will have "Portal 2.0" listed on the thumbnail. Click on a book to open.
Navigating Portal 2.0 Student Books:
- Use the Table of Contents on the left side to navigate through the activities and sections within a unit.
- Show/hide the Table of Contents by clicking on the yellow circle at the top of the Table of Contents.
Navigating Within an Activity:
- The format of each activity follows the format of the printed Student Book, such as Introduction, Guiding Question, Materials, and Procedure. Each of these sections are headers at the top of each activity.
- Click the headers at the top of each activity to navigate between sections. Or, scroll through the activity to view each section. The headers at the top will automatically highlight the section being viewed.
- Ancillary Resources:
- Student sheets are available under the Materials header.
- Any other resources or links will be hyperlinked throughout the activity as needed.
Student Sheets - Online Submission:
If your teacher would like for you to submit student sheets online, he/she will provide instructions. If your teacher does not instruct you to submit the student sheet online, ignore the below instructions.
Please note this feature is currently unavailable for LTI integrations, including Canvas and Schoology.
- Under the Materials header, click Online next to each student sheet to open the student sheet in a new side-by-side window. Expand the screen by clicking the box in the top right corner.
- Enter responses in each available field of the student sheet. Make sure you have expanded the screen to see the whole student sheet.
- Click Save to save your responses without submitting.
- Click Submit to submit your responses to your teacher. You cannot view, modify, or undo your responses after clicking Submit.
Analysis / Build Understanding Questions - Online Submission:
If your teacher would like for you to submit the Analysis / Build Understanding questions online, he/she will provide instructions. If your teacher does not instruct you to submit the Analysis / Build Understanding questions online, ignore the below instructions.
Please note this feature is currently unavailable for LTI integrations, including Canvas and Schoology.
- Navigate to either the Analysis or Build Understanding header in the activity.
- Enter your responses for each question.
- Click Save all to save your responses without submitting.
- Click Submit to submit your responses to your teacher. You cannot view, modify, or undo your responses after clicking Submit.
Scroll to the bottom of the Table of Contents to access the unit summary, student book appendices, glossary, publication information, and credits.