Webinar series for teachers navigating their first year with Issues and Science

This seven-part series is designed for maximum flexibility. Join us for all seven webinars or pop-in on your sessions of interest; for each webinar, stay for as long or as short as your schedule allows– the choice is yours. 

How to Attend Each Session

Advance registration is required for each session. 

  1. Opt-in to receive invites when each registration opens.
  2. Register to receive the Zoom link via email.
  3. All sessions take place on the third Wednesday of the month (except December) at 7 pm Eastern.
  4. In order to maintain a safe space for all participants to ask questions, sessions will not be recorded.

Remember, each Zoom link only works once. A separate registration is required for each webinar.

The anticipated schedule includes carefully sequenced sessions that anticipate the needs of teachers new to Issues and Science. Registration links will be posted below as they become available.  

Anticipated Schedule
Month Day Topic

October 19

7 pm EDT


Classroom and Materials Management

  • Materials management – bins, etc
  • Making group roles and using them
  • How to group students for cooperative learning
  • How to set up routines: starting class vs. ending class

November 16

7 pm EST

Pacing: How to Stay on Track

  • Pacing lessons vs. pacing units
  • Tools to use - timers, color codes, and more
  • Evaluating activities to scale them for your time frame
  • Developing daily and weekly routines to keep the class on track

January 18

7 pm EST

Student Discourse in the Classroom

  • How do we get kids to talk to each other?
  • Providing prompts & practicing discourse
  • Partner vs. group vs class discussion
  • Utilizing the 4-2-1 cooperative learning model

February 15

7 pm EST

Sensemaking and Literacy: Checking in on Notebooks

  • How do we get buy-in from students?
  • Accountability for notebooks
  • What goes in the notebook?
  • Structuring the notebook

March 15

7 pm EST

Formative and Summative Assessments

  • Planning for assessment - beginning with the summative.
  • Which skills are graded?
  • How do points factor into rubric grading?
  • What else can I grade besides the Performance Expectations?

April 19

7 pm EDT

 REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED | Tracking Phenomena in a Learning Pathway

  • Tracking both investigative and anchoring phenomena throughout a unit
  • Using summary tables
  • Using phenomena to connect the "why" to student learning

May 17


REGISTRATION NOW CLOSED | Reflection on Year 1 and Prep for the Future

  • How did it go? 
  • What will you change?
  • What new ideas do you have?
  • What do you want to try out next year?
  • How can Lab-Aids help you?
Opt-in to receive these webinar invitations
Teach-to-Teacher Support: A flexible series delivered by teachers, for teachers

All webinars are designed to cover hot-topics and provide lots of time for meaningful conversation:

  • 15-minute spotlight on a topic relevant to the implementation process.
  • 45-minute open forums provide teachers a safe place to ask questions, find solutions, or seek curricular assistance.
  • Experienced presenters guide each session. These interactive webinars are delivered by a Lab-Aids partner, a teacher who was once knew to Issues and Science, too. 

Let us bring Lab-Aids to you!

Can't attend this event? We'll schedule an event in your area so you can see our program in action.