Start out strong
It can take several years to become truly proficient with a new set of instructional materials. We consistently see that schools who thoughtfully incorporate Professional Learning into their adoption plan are able to significantly accelerate the implementation process.
The intention of our Implementation Training is to familiarize teachers with their new materials, but also to spend time on the why behind the incorporated pedagogical approaches - why is this an effective way to teach science?
Led by Lab-Aids teachers
We firmly believe that Implementation Training should only be led by those who have actually taught the program themselves. This means that your PL instructor is not only an expert on the content, they're also an expert in teaching it. Additionally, each trainer goes through extensive work with the Lab-Aids Institute to be sure they're practiced, effective, and organized.
The result is invaluable Implementation Training - we recognize that it's a big deal to leave your class for a day and we want to ensure it's time well spent.
Implementation Trainings
Issues and Science (6-8)
Professional Learning
Professional learning support for Lab-Aids programs is provided for program implementation (PI), program next level (PNL) support, which is a deeper dive into the program elements and how to best use them, and science instruction topics (SI), which cover a range of widely applicable instructional strategies not necessarily tied to any one of our programs. These include face to face and online workshops, and on-demand video resources to use when needed. These on-demand resources can be found here.
Lab-Aids programs are written for "off the shelf" use. However, most teachers tell us that our professional learning (PL) content enhances their use of the materials. PL can be provided on all Lab-Aids courses, units, and modules, and is available on-site or online. Although most Districts prefer to schedule this first-time training during the summer, it can be scheduled at any time during the year.
Common workshop topics:
Course Design
SEPUP uses environmental and societal issues to provide a context for learning science by connecting science concepts to students’ everyday lives. This is matched to a hands-on, inquiry-based approach, since we believe direct experience is essential to learning science. Teachers will learn to use the four key elements of the SEPUP program: student book, teacher edition, materials kit, and website/online support.
NGSS/Common Core Support
This workshop content explores SEPUP support for NGSS and Common Core ELA/Mathematics content and includes unpacking/understanding the Common Core and NGSS, and alignment of SEPUP to the Performance Expectations -- the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. The use of driving questions, phenomena, storylines and sensemaking (see below) will be covered in detail. Teachers will map the DCI, SEP, and CCC elements to selected units of their choice and explore how SEPUP supports student learning about the nature of science.
Sensemaking and Storylines
Storylines provide a powerful narrative for students to make sense of the science they learn in school. We will address how storylines are developed in SEPUP to make sense of a set of phenomena -- which are all linked by an issue, and how sensemaking builds within a learning sequence and across learning sequences.
Learning Cycle and Differentiated Instruction
SEPUP's instructional design is based on using personal, societal, and environmental issues in science to connect and motivate all students. It features a learning cycle model that supports the 5E approach and supports inquiry teaching and learning. Detailed support for working with diverse learners, including GAT, ELL, and students with special needs, is provided in introductory and follow up workshops.
Classroom Management and Support for Distance Learning
Included are day-to-day topics such as getting started with SEPUP, using the equipment kit, management of student laboratory activities, lab safety, monitoring group work, using technology, and using post-activity discussions to make connects to science content. Using SEPUP in a F2F classroom and in distance learning situations will be addressed, and will include content, tips, hacks, and more from experienced SEPUP teachers, consultants, and program authors.
Literacy, Numeracy and 21st Century Skills
SEPUP training provides support for developing student literacy skills – reading, writing, speaking, and media viewing and support Common Core for ELA/Mathematics (see above) and the 21st Century Skills. These are developed in workshops and online.
Using the SEPUP assessment system, students produce work that can be scored using rubrics developed for to assess important skills, including understanding content, planning and carrying out investigations, evidence- or claims-based reasoning, analyzing data, communicating scientific information, group interaction, and more. The assessment opportunities are distributed over time, allowing teachers to monitor student progress and mastery of NGSS performance expectations. An item bank can be used as a summative check for tests and quizzes. Teachers will examine the assessment approach and will moderate and discuss samples of actual student work.
Instructional technology
Lab-Aids supports each program with digital content and ancillaries-- simulations, PowerPoints, Android and iOS apps, and more. Initial-use and follow up workshops can include content to support effective student use of devices with Lab-Aids programs, and our LABsent ® for students who are absent during lab work, or Remote Learning Activity packets for teaching at a distance.
The following topics can be included based on local interest:
Developing Local Capacity for SEPUP Training
These sessions are for Districts seeking to develop their local capacity for training and leadership, based on our approach and model developed with the Chicago Public Schools. This model is based on ongoing mentoring and support from Lab-Aids® Institute senior consultants, and a combination of internal and external support from local university providers.
How Students Learn Science
This includes content and background on relevant research into how students learn science, and taps in the fields of brain research, social cognition, critical thinking, alternative frameworks, and related topics (e.g., How Students Learn Science, Donovan and Bransford, 2005; Taking Science to School, Duschl et. al, 2007; and the use of sensemaking, storylines, driving questions, and investigative phenomena; NGSS, 2013; Penuel et. al, 2016). Crossover content from other topics (above), including the literacy and assessment sessions are included.
Workshop | Price |
PD-SEPUP-NU1 | first day, inclusive |
PD-SEPUP-NU1-AD | additional consecutive days, by arrangement |
PD-SEPUP-AD1 | additional nonconsecutive day, by arrangement |
What is needed? One session (PD-SEPUP-NU1) is usually sufficient to provide an overview of the SEPUP fundamentals and course design, plus in-depth study on one unit of interest. Districts generally choose between 3-5 days of training to cover additional units, with a summer start and mid-year follow up where possible.
Contact us at for more details.
Science and Global Issues: Biology (2nd Edition)
SGI Biology provides a research-based, inquiry-driven approach to high school biology suitable for basic, honors, and college prep courses. The following content is provided in all workshops:
NGSS/Common Core Support
This workshop content explores SEPUP support for NGSS and Common Core ELA/Mathematics content and includes unpacking/understanding the Common Core and NGSS, and alignment of SEPUP to the Performance Expectations — the Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts. The use of driving questions, phenomena, storylines and sensemaking (see below) will be covered in detail. Teachers will map the DCI, SEP, and CCC elements to selected units of their choice and explore how SEPUP supports student learning about the nature of science.
Course Design
SEPUP uses environmental and societal issues to provide a context for learning science by connecting science concepts to students’ everyday lives, and issues are used to develop content and process skills in the initial unit on global sustainability, and each of the four main instructional units that follow: Ecology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Evolution. This is matched to an inquiry-based approach, since we believe science is an active process. Teachers will learn to use the four important elements of a SEPUP program: student book, teacher’s guide, materials kit, and website support.
Learning Cycle and Differentiated Instruction
SEPUP's course design is based on a learning cycle model that supports the 5E approach, uses issues in science to connect and motivate all students, and supports inquiry teaching and learning. Detailed support for working with diverse learners, including GAT, EL, and students with special needs, is provided in introductory and follow up workshops.
Classroom Management and Support for Distance Learning
Included are day-to-day topics such as getting started with SEPUP, using the equipment kit, management of student laboratory activities, lab safety, monitoring group work, using technology, and using post-activity discussions to make connects to science content. Using SEPUP in a F2F classroom and in distance learning situations will be addressed, and will include content, tips, hacks, and more from experienced SEPUP teachers, consultants, and program authors.
Using the SEPUP assessment system, students produce work that can be scored using rubrics developed for to assess important skills, including understanding content, planning and conducting investigations, evidence- or claims- based reasoning, analyzing data, communicating scientific information, group interaction, and more. The assessment opportunities are distributed over time, allowing teachers to monitor student progress and mastery of NGSS performance expectations. An item bank can be used as a summative check for tests and quizzes. Teachers will examine the assessment approach and will moderate and discuss samples of actual work.
Instructional Technology
SEPUP supports SGI: Biology with digital content and ancillaries — simulations, PowerPoints, and more. Initial-use and follow up workshops can include content to support effective student use of tablet devices with SEPUP programs, and our LABsent® for students who are absent during lab work, or remote learning resources for teachers at a distance.
Workshop | Price |
PD-SGI-NU1 | first day, inclusive |
PD-SGI-NU1-AD | additional consecutive days, by arrangement |
PD-SGI-AD1 | additional nonconsecutive day, by arrangement |
What is needed? One session (PD-SGI-NU1) is usually sufficient to provide an overview of the SEPUP fundamentals and course design, plus in-depth study on one unit of interest. Districts generally choose between 3-5 days of training, with a summer start and mid-year follow up where possible.
Contact us at for more details.
EDC Earth Science (1st Edition, Revised)
EDC Earth Science, Revised, is a full-year, activity-driven high school earth science course developed with support from the National Science Foundation, and fully aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, 2013), with full, visible support for all the NGSS elements – DCI, SEP, and CCC. EDC Earth Science has been designed in the belief that students are capable of rigorous and in-depth explorations in science when given adequate support, structure, and motivation for learning. EDC Earth Science is a program of EDC’s Oceans of Data Institute, and was developed with support from the National Science Foundation.
Although most Districts prefer to schedule this first-time training during the summer, it can be scheduled at any time during the year. In workshops for teachers new to the program, teachers will learn to:
- Understand and use the CONSIDER-INVESTIGATE-PROCESS learning cycle embedded in the course design and structure
- Target and reduce student preconceptions about key earth science concepts
- Use formative and summative strategies to assess student learning
- Teach for greater understanding of earth science content to prepare students for more advanced courses, based on recommendations in national and representative state frameworks
- Develop student literacy by building reading, writing, analysis, and communication skills using the support for literacy embedded in the program
- Develop student critical thinking and problem solving skills
- Support students’ abilities to work with large data sets and increasingly complex models for understanding the Earth and its systems
- Teach for three-dimensional (3D) learning as called for in the Next Generation Science Standards
Professional development will introduce teachers to the EDC Earth Science course tools, and will provide hands-on exploration of selected laboratory and online activities that will prepare them to use the program effectively with students.
Workshop | Price |
PD-EDC-NU1 | first day, inclusive |
PD-EDC-NU1-AD | additional consecutive days, by arrangement |
PD-EDC-AD1 | additional nonconsecutive day, by arrangement |
What is needed? One session (PD-EDC-NU1) is usually sufficient to provide an overview of the EDC fundamentals and course design, plus training on one unit of interest. Districts typically opt for 2-3 days of training for extended coverage, with a summer start and mid-year follow up where possible.
Contact us at, for more details.
A Natural Approach to Chemistry
A Natural Approach to Chemistry is an innovative approach to teaching high school chemistry is organized around the following principles:
- All students can learn, understand, and do chemistry
- Core chemistry concepts are illustrated with examples from nature, the environment, and the human body
- All fundamental concepts in chemistry – from bonding to nuclear reactions – involve energy and energy transformations
- Complex chemical concepts are more easily understood with a focus on the atomic/molecular level
- Laboratory exercises are essential to the study of chemistry
The course includes a student book, lab manual with 60 hands on investigations, teacher editions for both, plus an extensive suite of ancillary tools, including lab and student book PowerPoints, podcasts, skill sheets (for basic and advanced level students), plus teacher lab prep videos and much more.
Teachers will learn how to:
- Use all course tools, including the LAB-MASTER and other specially designed laboratory equipment , including the control point heater, RGB spectrophotometer, and special probe-ware
- Use the 5E model to present effective, on target chemistry lessons
- Differentiate instruction for basic, college prep, and honors classes
- Use formative and summative assessment tools to monitor student learning
- “Flip” or blend classroom environments using podcasts and other online learning tools
- Use the extensive teacher prep tools, including lab prep videos for each lab and unit-by-unit PowerPoints and Item Bank
- Align the course content to NGSS or state instructional goals for the chemistry program
Workshop | Price |
PD-NAC-NU1 | first day, inclusive |
PD-NAC-NU1-AD | additional consecutive days, by arrangement |
PD-NAC-AD1 | additional nonconsecutive day, by arrangement |
What is needed? One session (PD-NAC-NU1) is usually sufficient to provide an overview of the NAC fundamentals and course design, plus training on the foundation chapters (1-4) for adopting Districts. Districts typically opt for 2-3 days of training for extended coverage, with a summer start and mid-year follow up where possible.
Contact us at, for more details.
To teach is to make a life long commitment to learning—for our students and for ourselves. Teachers must work hard to stay abreast of new science content and pedagogy, which is why most states typically require ongoing professional development for re-certification every five years. Lab-Aids® can help teachers acquire new content and skills, whether you are a veteran teacher, new to the profession, or somewhere in between.
The Lab-Aids® Institute
annual Lab-Aids® workshops & webinars
Our PL Consultants
All of our trainers are either currently teaching or are directly involved with students and local districts.
Lab-Aids® PL trainers nationwide

teachers who attend our PDs annually
Not your average PL day
Our trainings are like our programs; engaging, hands-on, and personally relevant. The way it should be.
Our PD has been first rate; even teachers who were reluctant left feeling that time was well spent. The knowledgeable staff even helped us to customize the curriculum to our state standards while maintaining the fidelity of the storyline.