1. Highlight text you wish to highlight. Then, the highlighter icon will appear in the top right of the page. If you are zoomed in on the page, click here*.

Highlight text and the icon will appear in the top right corner of the page.


2. Click the highlight icon to choose a highlight color and save. 

Click the "highlight" icon, choose your color, and click "save".


3. View all highlights by clicking on the "Highlights" option on the left menu bar. You can sort highlights by date entered or by page number.

View all highlights by clicking on the "highlight" icon on the left side menu.


*If you are zoomed in on the page, an option will appear on the bottom-right corner that allows you to select between panning (default) and text-selection. Click the arrow icon, which will allow you to then select text instead of pan. Return to the instructions above to highlight text.

text selection tool