Join Lab-Aids in San Jose for the California Science Teachers Conference. 

We will have three hands-on workshops for you to attend and best of all you get to take the activity back to your classroom to share with your students. 


Cleaning Up Chemical Wastes - Lab-Aids
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Room LL20A

Chemicals and chemical reactions are used to make and power useful products but they also create waste. How can our understanding of science and engineering improve product design and methods to clean up waste?

Using Real-World Data to Understand Earth's Moving Surface - SEPUP
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Room 211D

Learn how real-world data collected at global positioning system (GPS) stations around the world can bring the three dimensions of the NGSS to life in the middle school classroom.


Embry-OH! - Lab-Aids
4:45 pm - 6:15pm
Room LL20A

What relationships across different animal species can you see in embryological data that you cannot observe by comparing mature animals? Identify patterns in embryological images from different species to provide evidence of relatively closer evolutionary relationships.

Let us bring Lab-Aids to you!

Can't attend this event? We'll schedule an event in your area so you can see our program in action.