Breckenridge, Colorado

Breckenridge, CO

June 27-29, 2025



days + travel


*early pricing through March 1

Tuition Includes

All seminar materials and books
Hotel room for four nights
Breakfast and lunch every day
All sponsored dinners

Past Program Content

SEPUP and the NGSS

Issues and Science: Redesigned for the NGSS addresses a true three-dimensional approach to meeting the challenges of the NGSS. This session will provide an in depth look at the development process and the instructional materials. 

Writing to Learn in SEPUP

This section will explore elective techniques for writing in the SEPUP classroom, including the use of science notebooks, pre-and post-writing strategies, and reactive writing prompts.

Adult learning styles

What is your preferred learning style? Participants will assess their own learning styles, using Kolb’s learning style profile, with an application to using learning style research in planning workshops and professional development experiences for teachers.

Research in SEPUP

The SEPUP research base includes developmental studies, impact research, case studies and quasi-experimental designs. This section will provide an overview and an annotated bibliography of SEPUP research.

Planning and leading SEPUP workshops: 

Lab-Aids leads workshops for more than 5000 teachers per year, including initial user training, follow up workshops and stand alone workshops at state and national meetings. We’ll share our pre-workshop planning procedures and detailed training guides.

Using Issues to Teach Science

This session will use existing and planned SEPUP materials to explore the uses of societal and environmental issues in middle level and high school science teaching. The session will cover the goals for teaching with issues, how to adapt curriculum to become more issue-oriented, and the evolution of SEPUP instructional design.

Assessing Student Performance in SEPUP

This is an in-depth look at SEPUP’s nationally acclaimed assessment system. Topics include an in-depth look at the elements of SEPUP assessment, including tasks, variables, rubrics, blueprints, and student work exemplars. Participants will moderate several samples of student work.

Support for Literacy in SEPUP

This session will explore SEPUP’s strategies for supporting reading comprehension, written and oral language, and media literacy.

Inquiry in SEPUP

What’s the difference between open and guided inquiry? What are the essential elements of inquiry? How does SEPUP support inquiry? These and related topics will be investigated in this hands-on session.

Past Summer Academy Faculty

I have never been treated so well. I got a lot of great ideas to take my own workshops from good to outstanding. 

Tina Tetzleff-Wallis, Indiana

Summer Academy

June 2025

Have any questions about the upcoming Academy?